View TF2 Backup Items in MOTD

Use the !bp command to view backpack items

View TF2 Backup Items in MOTD
Backup Mod Link

Allows viewing backpack items through MOTD feature

Say Commands !backpack !bp

ConVars motdbp_version - Plugin Version motdbp_advert - Enable or disable the plugin advert motdbp_adtime - Time between adverts Min: 5 seconds Max: 6 minutes

Usage Type !backpack Brings up the players backpack in an MOTD window Type !bp Displays the backpack of the player you are aiming at. If target is Invalid it will display a menu listing players.

#pragma semicolon 1

#include <sourcemod>
#include <sdktools>
#include <adminmenu>

// Global Definitions
#define PLUGIN_VERSION "2.0"

new Handle:g_PluginVersion;
new Handle:g_Adverts;
new Handle:g_Adtime;
new Handle:g_Adtimer;
new Float:g_AdvertTime;

public Plugin:myinfo =
    name = "TF2B backpack",
    author = "Munra, bottiger, modded by unreal1",
    description = "Opens MOTD with clients backpack",
    version = PLUGIN_VERSION,
    url = " and"
public OnPluginStart()
	//Create Cvars
	g_PluginVersion = CreateConVar("motdbp_version", PLUGIN_VERSION, "", FCVAR_NOTIFY);
	g_Adverts = CreateConVar("motdbp_advert", "0", "Enable or disable plugin adverts", 0, true, 0.0, true, 1.0);
	g_Adtime = CreateConVar("motdbp_adtime", "60", "Length of time between adverts", 0, true, 5.0, true, 600.0);
	RegConsoleCmd("sm_backpack", bakpak, "Aim at someone and type !backpack or !backpack [playername]");
	RegConsoleCmd("sm_bp", bakpak, "Aim at someone and type !bp or !bp [playername]");
	//Advert timer
	g_AdvertTime = GetConVarFloat(g_Adtime);
	HookConVarChange(g_Adverts, OnAdvertsChange);
	HookConVarChange(g_Adtime, OnAdtimeChange);

public OnMapStart()
	// hax against valve fail Thanks psychonic 
		SetConVarString(g_PluginVersion, PLUGIN_VERSION);

	g_Adtimer = CreateTimer (g_AdvertTime, Adverttimer, _, TIMER_REPEAT);

//Displays given player's backpack
public Action:bakpak(client, args) {
	if (client == 0)
		ReplyToCommand(client, "%s", "TF2B: Can't do command from console");
	if (args == 0)
		return Plugin_Handled;
	//Gets target client
	new target;
	decl String:argstring[128];
	GetCmdArgString(argstring, sizeof(argstring));
	target = FindTarget(client, argstring, true, false);
	if (target == -1) 
	return Plugin_Handled;
	DisplayBackpack(client, target);
	return Plugin_Handled;

	new Handle:menu = CreateMenu(MenuHandler_Backpack);
	SetMenuTitle(menu, "Choose a player");
	SetMenuExitBackButton(menu, true);
	AddTargetsToMenu(menu, 0, true, false);
	DisplayMenu(menu, client, MENU_TIME_FOREVER);

public MenuHandler_Backpack(Handle:menu, MenuAction:action, param1, param2)
	switch (action)
		case MenuAction_End:
		case MenuAction_Select:
			decl String:info[32];
			new userid, target;
			GetMenuItem(menu, param2, info, sizeof(info));
			userid = StringToInt(info);

			if ((target = GetClientOfUserId(userid)) == 0)
				PrintToChat(param1, "%t", "Player no longer available");
				DisplayBackpack(param1, target);

public DisplayBackpack(client, target) {
    decl String:communityid[32];
    decl String:itemsurl[128];

    GetClientAuthString(target, communityid, sizeof(communityid));
    Format(itemsurl, sizeof(itemsurl), "", communityid);
    ShowMOTDPanel(client, "Backpack", itemsurl, MOTDPANEL_TYPE_URL);

//Timer for adverts
public Action:Adverttimer(Handle:timer)
	PrintToChatAll("\x03 Aim at someone and type !bp or !backpack [playername]");
	return Plugin_Continue;

public OnAdvertsChange(Handle:convar, const String:oldValue[], const String:newValue[])
	new bool:adsOn = (StringToInt(newValue)!=0);
	if (adsOn && g_Adtimer == INVALID_HANDLE)
	else if (!adsOn && g_Adtimer != INVALID_HANDLE)
		g_Adtimer = INVALID_HANDLE;

public OnAdtimeChange(Handle:convar, const String:oldValue[], const String:newValue[])
	g_AdvertTime = StringToFloat(newValue);
	if (GetConVarBool(g_Adverts))
		if (g_Adtimer != INVALID_HANDLE)